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What follows is an an organized and curated list of content. Click here for an exhaustive list of content on Deuteronomy


Kenneth Boa: 9. Deuteronomy [] Part of the series: Visual Survey of the Bible.

Bill McRae: 5. Deuteronomy [] Part of the series: Survey of the Bible. 1 lesson overview of the Book of Deuteronomy.

Bob Deffinbaugh: 13. Israel’s Covenant Renewal (Deuteronomy) [] Part of the series: From Creation to the Cross.

Mark Dever: What’s Past is Prologue – The Message of Deuteronomy [] Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Ray Stedman: Deuteronomy: The Law that Delivers [, , , Translated] Part of the series: Adventuring Through the Bible. Spanish text translation available.


Bill McRae: Deuteronomy [] 8 lesson series on Deuteronomy.

Women's Studies

Susan Curry: 4. Moses - Walking in God-Confidence [, Curriculum] Part of the series: Learning to Walk with God.

Children's Studies

Margaret Carey: Ten Commandments [, Curriculum] 12 week study for children on the Ten Commandments. While it is based on Exodus, it would also apply to Deuteronomy.


J. Hampton Keathley, III: Responsibilities of Fatherhood (Deuteronomy 6:1-19) []

Greg Herrick: 3. Regal/Messianic Hope in Deuteronomy, 1, 2 Samuel, and 1, 2 Kings []

Bob Deffinbaugh: 3. False Prophets, Part I [] Part of the series: Profiting from the Prophets.

4. False Prophets, Part II (Deuteronomy 18:1-22) [] Part of the series: Profiting from the Prophets.

13. Israel’s Covenant Renewal (Deuteronomy) [] Part of the series: From Creation to the Cross.

David Malick: The Book of Josiah's Reform []

William Luck: Divorce and Re-Marriage: Recovering the Biblical View []

Study Helps and related

Tom Constable: Tom Constables Expository Notes on Deuteronomy [] This is also available in the Study Environment.

David Malick: An Introduction to Deuteronomy []

An Argument of the Book of Deuteronomy []

Selected Bibliography on Deuteronomy []

J. Hampton Keathley, III: 3. The Law: The First Five Books []

Frank DeCanio: Introduction to the Pentateuch []

Pentateuch, an Analysis and Synthesis []

Other Resources

Mark Dever: Boundaries [] 3 part study in Deuteronomy chapter 5. Capitol Hill Baptist Church.

Ron Ritchie: Awesome Father, Precious Son [] 7 lesson series, covering Deuteronomy 4-6; 13:1-5; 30:11-20. Peninsula Bible Church.

Rob Rayburn: Deuteronomy 29 Text lessons. Faith Presbyterian Church.


John Walsh: Book 1: Beginnings (Stories 1-52) [] Part of the series: All the Stories of the Bible. See “Book 1: Beginnings,” lesson 52.

Paul Taylor: A People Freed: Preparing for the Land [, , Study Questions] Peninsula Bible Church. From the series: “Epic: The Astonishing Story of God and the World.” EPIC is a nine-month series exploring the Bible through a chronological journey. Each sermon tells an individual story.