Where the world comes to study the Bible

Women's Ministry Curriculum

Below is a list of our Women’s Bible study curriculum written by women Bible teachers and scholars, many with seminary degrees. You can learn more about each author by clicking on her photograph or name. Each resource has been thoroughly examined for its adherence to Scripture and Orthodox Christian doctrine

We hope you will find a study appropriate, yet challenging, for your group’s level of study.

A Journey of Faith: A Study of the Life of Moses

by Crickett Keeth

Moses’ life began as a journey of faith--his parents’ faith when they chose to trust God for the protection of their baby boy. His life continued as a life of faith as God led him step by step to carry out the purpose He had for Moses. No, Moses wasn’t perfect, but that didn’t prevent God from using him.As you study the life of Moses, mayyou would grow deeper in your own journey of faith, may you be encouraged as you see God use an imperfect, ordinary person, and may you bewilling to let God work in and through you to carry out His purpose(s) for you.

Length of study? 8 weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Time commitment for homework? 20-30 min/day(5)

Available in print for purchase?


A Walk in the Clouds: A Study of Colossians for Wise Women

by Kay Daigle

We are told to "Keep thinking about things above, not things on the earth" (Col. 3:2). This letter helps us focus on God's viewpoint and gives us an opportunity to change our lives accordingly.

Length of study? 7 weeks Downloadable student workbook? Yes
Level of study? advanced Downloadable leader's guide? Yes
Homework? yes Audio teaching? Some
Time commitment
for homework?
20-30 min/day(5) Available in print for purchase? No

"Acts" of the Holy Spirit: Preparing Our Hearts for God's Lessons

by Sue Edwards

Acts is a fast-paced, action adventure book which chronicles the birth and growth of the early church from the Jewish center of Jerusalem to the Gentile capital Rome. In addition, it is a bridge-like sequel to the Gospels that precede it and background for the epistles that follow. But most of all, Acts is a tribute to the transforming power of God, as evidenced in the Apostles’ lives. Observing the changes in their lives from fearful weaklings to irrepressible dynamos gives us hope and encouragement today.

Length of study? 24 weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Timecommitment for homework? 2-3hrs/wk

Available in print for purchase?


Adorned with True Beauty: A Study for Wise Women on I Peter

by Kay Daigle

You are precious to God, and as His daughter, He wants you to be adorned internally, not just externally, for true beauty resides in the heart. Each week of this studyfocuses on an aspect of true beauty from the book of 1 Peter.

Length of study? 9weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Time commitment for homework? 20-30 min/day(5)

Available in print for purchase?


Blue Jean Faith: A Study of James for Wise Women

by Kay Daigle

Though written thousands of years ago, the Book of James provideswomen today with relevant advise for developing a faith that is practical and durable--like our blue jeans.

Length of study? 10weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Time commitment for homework? 20-30 min/day(5)

Available in print for purchase?


Coming Home to Jesus: A Study in Luke

by Kay Daigle

Picture a home where Jesus waits for you, aplace of love, companionship, rest, peace, and security. Will you choose to spend time there with Him? Although salvation is a free gift that we can never lose, believers do not always enjoy the blessings of being at home with Jesus on this earth. As you read and study His story as recorded in the Gospelof Luke, drink in His presence and enjoy His beauty, the beauty of God Himself.

Length of study? 10weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Time commitment for homework? 20-30 min/day(5)

Available in print for purchase?


Footsteps Of Faith: Following The Call

by Vickie Kraft, Gwynne Johnson & Laurna Berg

The footsteps of obedience taken today by faith, leave footprints in history for those who come behind us. In this series, we examine footprints left for our example by believers of the past. These were given to provide encouragement to us today to take footsteps of present obedience.

Length of study? 12weeks

Downloadable student workbook?

Level of study? advanced

Downloadable leader's guide?

Homework? yes

Audio teaching?

Time commitment for homework? 2-3 hrs/wk

Available in print for purchase?

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