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7. The Spirit: Our Comforter and Enabler

The Article: Survey of Bible Doctrine: The Holy Spirit


This survey article is taken up with covering the basic doctrines of the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit (two facts denied by many cults) as well as his ministry in the church and in the end times. There is no little confusion today over the ministry of the Spirit in the church. He gets credit for everything on the one hand and is generally blamed for every aberrant thing that “comes down the pike,” on the other. As with all the survey articles, you will want to study each verse listed in the outline. Before you know it you will become familiar with most of the important passages for discussing any doctrine. Doing the Scripture memory plan above will greatly help you as well.


    1. What do we mean when we refer to the Holy Spirit as a “person”? What are three indications in Scripture that the Spirit is understood by the writer to be a person and not just “an impersonal force” as the Jehovah Witnesses teach?

    2. What are some Scriptural indications that the Holy Spirit is actually God?

    3. In relation to people, what was the Spirit’s primary role in the OT and how does that contrast with his role in relation to Christians in present age?

    4. What is the relation of the Spirit to the salvation of men and women in the OT and in the NT after the resurrection and ascension of Jesus?

    5. What is a spiritual gift and when do we as Christians receive them? Discuss this at some length using appropriate passages.

    6. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the end times, including the Tribulation period and the Millennial kingdom?

Related Topics: Pneumatology (The Holy Spirit), Discipleship

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