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5. Seeking the Face of the Savior

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Discussion Questions

1. A. It is easy to just take for granted that the New Testament is about Jesus, but why do

        you think He wants you to know Him?


    B. Could you share a time in your life when you experienced a new understanding of



      C. What advice would you give to a person who wanted to know Jesus?



2. Regarding the seven “I Ams” of our lesson:


    A. Which one is especially meaningful to you?


    B. Which one is especially challenging to you?



3. A. If you had been present when Jesus made these statements, are there questions you

        might have asked, to know more about any one of them?


    B. Which saying do you think is particularly resisted by our culture?



4. Read Matthew 16:13-17.   How does this passage add to your knowledge of Jesus?



5. What is one response you will make to this lesson?


Related Topics: Spiritual Life

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