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Luke 2:1-7

Don’t Pray for a Life of Convenience

Thanking God for the good things He has given us comes pretty easy. But thanking Him for an enduring “inconvenience” can be difficult.

Moira MacLachlan (a pen name) experienced a shattering, life-altering event when she was raped and became pregnant. Because of her decision to raise the child, there would be a daily reminder of this violent disruption of life.

Moira cautiously likens her situation to Mary’s unexpected pregnancy. She writes, “This world considers any disruption of its thoroughly detailed preparation for a life of convenience a rational excuse for unbridled anguish and rebellion. To [the world], the thankful prayer I raise to God for the radical explosion that took place in my life is akin to insanity. The disruptions in the plans of Mary and me served to bring us both to the same conclusion: Sometimes God’s purpose in shattering the peace in our lives is to remind us that He has a purpose for everything.” Moira thanks God for her beautiful child, and concludes, “Don’t pray for a life of convenience, you might get it—and wouldn’t that be too bad'

Our Daily Bread, December 20, 1996

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