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Lesson 60: The Distracted Disciple (Luke 10:38-42)

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You could probably feel the rising tension in the room. Martha, the one who had actually invited Jesus to come to her house, wanted to make everything perfect for Him while sister Mary seemed to hardly care what did and didn’t get done. It’s easy to imagine Martha darting in and out of the room Jesus and Mary are sitting in, trying each time to make eye contact with Mary so that she could at least give a quick head-jerk toward the kitchen. Was Martha the only one who knew how many important things needed to be taken care of? As Jesus then reoriented her thinking, ours likewise becomes reoriented if we are willing to apply Jesus’s words to our own hearts. Pastor Daniel shepherds his listeners through that in calling us to “relentlessly pursue fellowship with God through careful study of His Word. “ To get to that place, we first must understand that “the distracted disciple is distracted by good things.” He/she is furthermore “resentful of others.” Then, “the distracted disciple is anxious and troubled over many things,” and finally, “is drawn away from the abiding Word of God.”

Summary by Seth Kempf, Bethany Community Church Staff

Related Topics: Christian Life, Fellowship

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