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Lesson 55: The Second Coming of Christ (Matthew 24:29-35)

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This message on Matthew 24 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on February 16, 2014.


The Tribulation (24:1-28).

#1 - These events are ultimately future.
#2 - These events are elaborated upon in other parts of Scripture.
#3 - This section in Matthew 24:1-28 is not meant to be exhaustive.

The Second Coming (24:29-31).

#1 - The Second Coming will immediately follow the Tribulation.
#2 - The Second Coming begins with signs in the sky (24:29).
#3 - The Second Coming will be the beginning of great power and glory of Christ upon the earth (24:30).
#4 - the Second Coming will include gathering the elect (24:31).
Questions: Is the Second Coming the same thing as the Rapture of the Church?

The Lesson of the Fig Tree (24:32-35).

- Options of “this generation”

Option #1 - Jesus was wrong.
Option #2 - Jesus was referring to them, and He did come in 70 AD.
Option #3 - Jesus was referring to the final generation which would experience the tribulation.

Related Topics: Eschatology (Things to Come)

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