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Lesson 5: Desperation, Deliverance, And Deli On Command (Mark 5:1-6:56)

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Day One Study

Ask the Lord Jesus to speak to you through His Word. Tell Him that you are listening.

Read Mark 5:1-20.

Historical Insight: Mark and Luke called this area “the country of the Gerasenes,” but Matthew called it the country of the Gadarenes. This incident apparently happened somewhere on the southeast coast of the [Sea of Galilee]. About a mile south of Gersa, there is a fairly steep slope within forty yards from the shore. And about two miles from there, cavern tombs are found which appear to have been used for dwellings. (Dr. Constables Notes on Mark 2017 Edition, pp. 79-80)

1. Discover the Facts: Jesus headed over to Gentile territory and encountered someone who desperately needed Him.

  • Where is Jesus now (v. 1)?
  • What happened there (v. 2)?
  • What do we know about the man (vv. 3-5)?
  • What did the man do when he saw Jesus (v. 6)?
  • What did he say?
  • What had Jesus said to cause such a reaction (v. 8)?
  • What question did Jesus ask?
  • What did the demons beg Jesus not to do (v. 10)?
  • What did the demons ask Jesus to do instead (vv. 11-12)?
  • What happened next (v. 13)?
  • When the people heard the news and came to see what happened, what did they see (v. 15)?
  • How did the people respond to this “miracle” (vv. 15-17)?
  • What was the healed man’s response (v. 18)?
  • What did Jesus tell him to do (v. 19)?
  • What did the healed man do (v. 20)?

Focus on the Meaning: Evidently the demons requested permission to enter the swine so they could destroy them. Jesus’s permission resulted in everyone seeing the great destructive power and number of the demons, and that the man had experienced an amazing deliverance. Only Mark recorded the number of swine (“about 2,000”). As usual, Mark drew attention to Jesus’s awesome power. (Dr. Constables Notes on Mark 2017 Edition, p. 81)

2. Notice the slander the demons made against Jesus in verse 7. Demons are deceivers. Who was really torturing whom in this story?

Focus on the Meaning: When the demons said that they were called “legion, for we are many,” they were declaring they represented the many powers opposed to Jesus who were in rebellion against God. … This story emphasizes the man’s pathetic condition as well as the purpose of demonic possession—to torment and destroy the divine likeness with which man was created. (NIV Study Bible 1984 Edition, note on Mark 5:5, p. 1501)

3. What is missing in the townspeople’s response to the healing of the miserable demon-possessed man?

4. What motivated their response?

Think About It: Fear trumps opportunity in this incident in Jesus’s ministry. Because of their fear of the unexplainable and their loss of income, the townspeople didn’t care that the once miserable man was now completely normal. Nor did they bring their sick to be healed by the one who heals.

5. For what purpose did Jesus tell the man to go home?

6. Heartbreak to Hope: Read the quotes below. Reflect and respond on the statements that follow.

“You can impress people at a distance; you can only impact them up close.” (Howard Hendricks)

“Relationships determine what we believe. We are talked into talking; we are loved into loving; we are related into believing.” (Josh McDowell)

Relationships determine response. A loving relationship with a co-worker, neighbor, or family member just might stir that person to listen to your story and to accept the truth by which you live. That’s why Jesus sent so many people home after their lives were changed. “Go to the ones with whom you have a relationship and introduce me to them.” How has this truth impacted your lifeWhat do you think about that?

Write a prayer to God in response to what He has shown you in this lesson.

Day Two Study

Ask the Lord Jesus to speak to you through His Word. Tell Him that you are listening.

Read Mark 5:21-43.

What was the status of women in Jesus’s day? In Greek/Roman society, women were generally given second-class status with few legal rights. In Jewish society, women had it better as they held a place of honor as wife and mother, especially if they had sons. At the birth of a son, all celebrated. At the birth of a daughter, there wasn’t as much celebration. Jesus introduced a radically different value system. His compassion for women elevated their position in society and gave them equal relationship with Him. He spoke to women publicly, taught them openly, and defended them when they were criticized. He let them travel with Him and support Him with their own money. He never spoke condescendingly to women, made derogatory jokes about women, or humiliated them. No wonder they loved Him!

1. Discover the Facts: This is another “sandwich” section (vv. 21-24, vv. 25-34, and vv. 35-43).

  • Who came to Jesus (v. 22)?
  • What is his need?

Historical Insight: A synagogue ruler is similar to an executive pastor in today’s church settings. Jairus had a problem that neither his prominence nor his wealth could solve.

  • What happened next (v. 24)?
  • What is told about the woman who came to Jesus (vv. 25-26)?
  • Who or what brought her to Jesus (vv. 27-28)?
  • What happened when she reached out to Jesus (v. 29)?
  • What did Jesus say and do (vv. 30-32)?
  • How did the woman respond (v. 33)?
  • What did Jesus say to her (v. 34)?
  • Who is waiting during this interruption?
  • What has happened (v. 35)?
  • What does Jesus tell Jairus (v. 36)?
  • What is happening when Jesus gets to the house with Peter, James, and John (vv. 38-39)?
  • After putting the mourners out, what did Jesus do and say (vv. 40-41)?
  • Then, what happened (vv. 42-43)?

Scriptural Insight: Jesus awakened the little girl from the sleep of death. She was not resurrected with an immortal body. She would die again at some point in history. Jesus is the only one who has been resurrected from the dead.

2. Considering what you as a woman enjoy in life,

  • What did the sick woman probably not get to do or enjoy in her life?
  • In what ways could she now live in peace and be free from her suffering?
  • Jesus calls her “daughter.” How is this an application of Mark 3:35?

Think About It: When Jesus insisted that she publicly reveal herself, He gave her hope for a new life. She could enter society and receive spiritual life. According to Ephesians 3:20, our God always does more than we ask or think!

3. What does Jesus tell Jairus (v. 36)? Read Luke 8:50. What message was He giving to Jairus?

“Waiting” is prominent in this passage. The woman with the bleeding had to wait 12 years for relief and healing. Jairus had to wait an agonizingly long time through delays, diversions, and disappointing news. Jesus could have healed the girl from a distance, but He didn’t. He stretched Jairus’s faith through the waiting. God uses waiting to teach us to trust Him.

Scriptural Insight: In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word translated “wait” (upon the Lord) means “to bind together” as in tying together loose ends. Waiting is rarely pleasant to us, but we make ourselves do it daily in various situations (doctor’s offices, traffic, checkout lanes). Our focus is usually not on the waiting itself, but on the end result of the waiting. When it comes to waiting on the Lord, the Bible communicates a clear message: we are to do it, and it’s good for us. Psalm 27:14 tells us waiting on the Lord will “strengthen your heart.” Waiting on God brings us strength in all areas in our lives. It teaches us about Him and His timing. During those times of waiting, our ear is more attuned to the work of God. We also make ourselves available to talk with Him in prayer. When we seek God for a solution in our lives, these times of waiting strengthen our relationship with Him as we learn to rely on His timing and trust in His goodness. It binds us together with Him. (Lisa Jenkins-Moore, “Entwined in Him,” Living Magazine, November 2016, pp. 16-17)

4. Heartbreak to Hope: We must usually wait for God’s “always perfect” timing in answer to our prayers. Is this a problem for you? Have you become discouraged (or been discouraged in the past) from having to wait? Read the words to the song below. Consider that God is in the waiting, too, and that waiting binds you together with Him? How does this change your perspective of waiting?

“You are in the waiting in that moment of my life, when my faith and hope collide. My heart’s anticipating just how and when You’ll move. Oh, that’s when You prove You are in the waiting, too” (“In the Waiting” by Shannon Wexelberg)

Write a prayer to God in response to what He has shown you in this lesson.

Day Three Study

Ask the Lord Jesus to speak to you through His Word. Tell Him that you are listening.

Read Mark 6:1-6 (first part).

1. Discover the Facts: We are given more information about Jesus’s hometown and His family.

  • Where is He (vv. 1-2)?
  • From their questions, what did the listeners notice about Him (v. 2)?
  • What do you find out about Jesus’s earlier life and family (v. 3)?
  • What response did the crowd have to Him (v. 3)?
  • What did Jesus say to the crowd (v. 4)?
  • What could He not do and why (vv. 5-6)?

Think About It: Jesus was a carpenter, a skilled craftsman, until He was 30 years old. In today’s terms, he would be considered a blue-collar worker. He was a nobody in His hometown. If you do manual labor or are a craftsman, Jesus knows what your work is like. He understands it.

2. Heartbreak to Hope: Have you experienced rejection from your family or hometown similar to what Jesus experienced? He understands how you feel. Ask Him to show you how to respond to them next time you are disrespected or slandered by those who should appreciate you.

Scriptural Insight:  Who were Jesus’s brothers? Some church traditions hold that Mary had only one child, Jesus, and stayed a virgin for the rest of her life. Therefore, other siblings mentioned were either cousins or step-siblings (children of Joseph from a previous marriage) rather than half-siblings (children of Joseph and Mary together). Let’s look at what the Bible actually says about this.

  • Mark 6:3 (Mt 13:55)—this verse states plainly that Jesus had 4 brothers and at least 2 sisters. Interestingly, the townspeople who knew the family, calls them Jesus’s brothers and sisters. The Greek word for brother refers to an actual biological brother, having a common mother and/or father. They had to have shared one biological parent for this word to apply. Since Joseph was not Jesus’s biological father, the common biological parent had to be Mary. Any attempt to make them cousins certainly violates a literal interpretation of the scripture, as does trying to make them step-siblings.
  • Galatians 1:9—James is called the Lord’s (Jesus’s) brother, the same Greek word referenced above.
  • John 7:5—the writer of this gospel, John (Jesus’s cousin), calls them “His (Jesus’s) own brothers” who did not believe in Him. John would know whether they were brothers or cousins. Again, the Greek for brother refers to a biological sibling. The interaction between Jesus and His brothers in this passage gives the impression that Jesus is the older, not the baby of the family.
  • Acts 1:14—those present in the nucleus of the early church were Jesus’s brothers.
  • Matthew 1:25—Joseph kept Mary a virgin until Jesus’s birth, a meaningless word unless it refers to Joseph and Mary beginning normal marital sexual relations after the birth. There is no scriptural evidence that Mary remained a virgin throughout her marriage.
  • Luke 2:7—Jesus is called Mary’s firstborn, implying that she had other children later.

But, the most significant logical argument is that Joseph was legally eligible for David’s throne. It was then through Joseph that Jesus was legally eligible for the throne. If Joseph had 4 sons older than Jesus, then the eldest of those sons (presumably James) would hold the legal title to the throne of David. This does not leave an option for Jesus to be the Messiah! (The Bible Knowledge Commentary, New Testament, pages 126-127, 208, 815; NIV Study Bible 1984 Edition notes; Dr. Constables Notes on Matthew and Mark)

Read Mark 6:6-13.

3. Discover the Facts: Jesus was on another tour of teaching from village to village. The disciples have been trained. Now, they are sent out to practice what they’ve learned.

  • How were the Twelve sent out (v. 7)?
  • How were they to travel (vv. 8-9)?
  • Where were they to stay (vv. 10-11)?
  • If they received opposition, what were they to do (v. 11)?

Historical Insight: “Shaking the dust off their feet” was a symbolic act practiced by the Pharisees when they left an “unclean” Gentile area. Here it represented an act of warning to those who rejected God’s message. (NIV Study Bible 1984 Edition, note on Matthew 10:14, p. 1456)

  • What did the Twelve do (vv. 12-13)?

Scriptural Insight: The people knew the difference between those who were sick and those who were demon-possessed. The gospel writers distinguished the differences for us as they wrote individual accounts. Yet, we are not told how they generally knew who was controlled by evil spirits rather than being infected with an illness.

4. As disciples of the rabbi Jesus, what did they do that mirrored what Jesus did?

Think About It: Preparation (being with Him, watching Him teach and work) added to delegation (doing it themselves with His authority to do so) produces disciple-makers.

5. Jesus instructed them not to take food, money or extra clothes. What would the disciples need to learn about God on their journey?

Scriptural Insight: Another time (Luke 22:35-36), Jesus tells them to take extra supplies. It is important that you do not take Jesus’s instructions here as standard procedure for all ministry travels.

6. Heartbreak to Hope: In what areas of your life do you recognize God teaching you to trust Him for provision or protection?

Read Mark 6:14-29.

7. Who did the various groups of people think that Jesus was (vv. 14-16)?

8. What grabbed your attention from the account of John’s death (vv. 17-29)?

Think About It: Verse 20 is another example of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. Herod was intrigued enough to listen to John and knew him to be a righteous and holy man. Yet, he remained unconvinced and unrepentant as was also his manipulative wife Herodias.

Write a prayer to God in response to what He has shown you in this lesson.

Day Four Study

Ask the Lord Jesus to speak to you through His Word. Tell Him that you are listening.

Read Mark 6:30-46.

1. Discover the Facts: The disciples return from their mission trip (vv. 7-13).

  • What did the Twelve report (v. 30)?
  • What did Jesus want for them (v. 31)?
  • After they went by boat to a solitary place, what happened (v. 33)?
  • How did Jesus feel when He landed and saw the crowd (v. 34)?
  • What did He do for them first (v. 34)?
  • What happened later in the day (vv. 35-36)?
  • How did Jesus challenge them (vv. 37-38)?
  • What did Jesus direct the people to do (vv. 39-40)?
  • Then, what did He do (v. 41)?
  • What happened next (vv. 42-43)?
  • At the least, how many people were fed (v. 44)?
  • What did Jesus do afterwards (vv. 45-46)?

Think About It: Jesus gave them the opportunity to learn how to serve people by challenging them to figure out how to find food for the people. And, like a great coach, He talked them through it.

2. They all ate and were satisfied.

  • What does it mean to be satisfied?
  • Read John 6:36. What does Jesus say about Himself?
  • Jesus looked upon the crowd as sheep needing a shepherd. Read Psalm 23:1-3. What does a good shepherd do for his sheep?

3. Who did the multiplying of the bread and fish? Can God multiply your resources when you give thanks for what you have and offer it to Him?

4. Read John 6:14-15. What did the crowd want to do? In light of this, why do you think Jesus sent His disciples away?

5. Heartbreak to Hope: Have you wanted to get away from the pressure for a while, either for yourself or with your family? Retreating to a quiet place and getting some rest is biblical. Take the time to get away with the Lord this week to get refreshed.

Read Mark 6:47-56.

6. Discover the Facts: Let’s look at the details in this familiar story.

  • By evening, where is everyone (v. 47)?
  • What did Jesus see (v. 48)?
  • When did He go out to them and how?
  • What was His intention?
  • How did the disciples react to seeing Jesus walking on water (vv. 49-50 first part)?
  • What did Jesus say to them?
  • When Jesus climbed into the boat, what happened (v. 51)?
  • Why were they amazed (v. 52)?
  • When they landed at Gennesaret, what happened (vv. 53-56)?

Focus on the Meaning: The Twelve were still having trouble seeing Jesus as God. They were still thinking of Him as a rabbi or a prophet like Elijah or Elisha. Their lifelong concept of the Messiah was that of a warrior king like David had been. Jesus didn’t fit that image.

7. Notice that Jesus’s intention was to pass them by as they struggled (v. 48). What do you learn from this?

8. Heartbreak to Hope: Read Psalm 103:2-5. Our God promises to satisfy your heart’s desires with good things, to fill you with everything you need to feel satisfied. As you reflect on Psalm 103:2-5, where in your life might you need Jesus to “satisfy your desires with good things?”

9. Heartbreak to Hope: Reflect back on this whole lesson, how did someone experiencing heartbreak, pain, or uncertainty find hope, healing and love?

Write a prayer to God in response to what He has shown you in this lesson.

[For additional insight and application, read the following essay, “Jesus, A Personal God.”]

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Jesus, A Personal God

Get the picture. A huge crowd of people welcomes Jesus. They were expecting Him. They are pressing around Him, crushing Him so that He could hardly move or breathe because of the jam. Driven from the Decapolis (Mark 5:17), He is welcomed in Galilee. They can hardly wait to see what He would do next.

Suddenly a man pushes his way through the crowd, falls at Jesus’s feet and pleads earnestly with Him to come and lay hands on his daughter. The synagogue ruler was a layman responsible for maintaining order, conducting services, and cleaning the building, much like deacons or executive pastors do today. He was prominent and wealthy. But he had a problem that neither his prominence nor his wealth could solve. Luke tells us that his daughter was 12, an only child, and was dying.

Jairus obviously loves his daughter even though sons were considered more valuable, and he is very specific in what He wants Jesus to do. “Come and touch her.” The Jews believed that the touch transmitted vitality. Jairus had faith in Jesus’s touch, and he expressed that faith. Jesus acts upon the faith we have, which is wonderful and encouraging to us.

But, would Jesus take time out to go to Jairus’s house for a little girl? Was a little girl of any value in His eyes? Yes. Jesus goes with him. To Him, this little girl is just as important as anyone else. He starts off with the crowd following Him.

In this crowd is a woman who also has a desperate need. Her life is a living death, and her condition is hopeless. Her bleeding is probably uterine hemorrhaging like a number of women experience with fibroids, menopause, or cancer. She has suffered for 12 years with no break. She is probably pale, emaciated, and weakened. She must have been a woman of some means—at least she possessed enough financial resources to continue to seek out one doctor after another.

Jewish literature has a whole section of remedies for this malady, which apparently didn’t work. One was to carry ashes of ostrich eggs on her body. She may also have been given ground-up willow bark to reduce her pain. This was a bitter tasting remedy containing salicin, an aspirin-like drug that would have only aggravated her bleeding. All her money was gone, and she was worse. Her one chance came now with Jesus.

Yet even worse than her physical condition is the social and religious ostracism she was certain to have faced. The prevailing opinions of her day were not unlike our own: Bad things don’t happen to good people. You get what you justly deserve. Thus, to be stricken with a chronic, incurable disease such as this was tantamount to a confession of sinful behavior, presumably being immoral.

According to Mosaic Law, anyone with a bodily discharge is ceremonially unclean. She cannot enter the synagogue or the Temple. People shun her generally, since anyone having physical contact with her is made ceremonially unclean until after they bathe and wait a specific period of time. She can touch no one, and no one can touch her.

Think how this would have affected:

  • Her social life—not be invited to parties, weddings, anything.
  • Her worship life—she couldn’t even sit in the women’s section of the synagogue.
  • Her marital life—her husband would be unclean for 7 days after every sexual encounter with her; perhaps she had been divorced and shut off from her family.

She is an outcast: lonely, isolated, and probably in a state of clinical depression.

This desperate woman hears about Jesus. It’s our job to tell. How can they hear without a preacher or proclaimer? Who knows how many times it takes? She heard He was healing all kinds of incurable diseases. Hope flickers in her heart. Just going into the surging crowd would have brought their hostility on her if they knew.

She comes to Jesus on her own. Sadly, no friend has brought her to Jesus. She acts on her own faith—mixed with some superstition about His garments. She doesn’t know if Jesus would respond to her. She thinks to herself, “If I just touch His clothes.” She wouldn’t ask Him to touch her. She reaches out and touches His cloak, probably one of the four tassels on His outer garment. She took the initiative for her own healing and is the only woman in the Bible to do this. Others inadvertently touched Him; she deliberately did.

Immediately, her bleeding stops. Power surges through her body. She feels it. She knows she is completely healed. It is a vivid moment of joy for her!

At once, Jesus turns and asks, “Who touched me?” Did Jesus already know who touched Him? Commentaries will disagree on this. Most say God healed her through the power active in Jesus. So, when He felt the power go out of Him, He turned to ask. I believe He knew what happened because He was always God. He laid aside His glory and did not use His attributes for Himself while on earth. But He knew what happened. He always knew what those around Him were thinking before they spoke.

It is a dramatic moment for Jesus and for the timid woman. Later, it was a common practice for the crowds to touch the hem of His garments and be healed. Here Jesus chooses to single out this case for examination. There is no magic in the garments of Jesus. Even if there is superstition in the woman’s mind, Jesus honors her faith.

Jesus isn’t asking for His sake, but for her sake. He wants her to have a personal relationship with Him. Jesus will not allow the woman to recede into the crowd without publicly commending her faith, giving her assurance that she is permanently healed. He thus declares publicly that she is now clean, and lets her know that He accepts her. It is also likely that He wants her to know that He freely gave to her rather than her thinking she was taking something secretively.

Although a far more impressive male leader had asked Jesus to come to his home to heal his daughter, Jesus stopped the whole procession to talk to this poor, outcast woman as though she were the only one there. God’s love shows no partiality. We are more than just a face in the crowd.

Jesus wants us to know that, too. You may know someone who is involved in a bad relationship with a man who does not encourage her, support and respect her, or appreciate her worth. He may be too busy bossing her around. You need to let her know that Jesus considers her valuable.

Jesus will not allow the woman to recede into the crowd without publicly speaking to her and commending her faith. He keeps looking, penetratingly. The disciples are unconcerned and give a nervy answer about the crowd. Jairus is probably getting very anxious and impatient about this woman. But, Jesus insists. When she sees He’s not going to let her go unnoticed, she tells Him the whole truth.

Some of us feel that God isn’t noticing our pain. We pray, nothing happens. We are not unnoticed. He is sovereign, and He knows. He chooses the instrument He uses to make us more like the Lord Jesus Christ. And suffering is an important instrument in His hands much as we hate it. A goldsmith keeps the metal in the fire until his reflection is seen in its surface. God keeps us in the fire of suffering until He sees the character of His Son reflected in our lives.

The trembling woman falls at His feet. What a vivid picture of the feeling of this sensitive woman who now had to speak. Everyone hears her tell why she touched Him and how she had been instantly healed. She gives her simple testimony. Others now hear.

Jesus calls her, “Daughter,” the only time recorded when He addresses a woman by this name. It’s a tender expression. She has a new relationship with God and a new relationship with Jesus. Remember whom He said were in His family? Those who do God’s will. Those who believe in Him. All through the Gospels, Jesus honored an individual’s faith in Him or rebuked a lack of faith. Jesus took the time to point out to both the men and women in the crowd that this woman’s faith was the reason for her healing.

The New Testament word for “healed” actually means “saved” as well. Here both physical healing (freed from suffering) and spiritual salvation (peace) are meant. The two are often seen together in Mark’s gospel. Romans 5:1 says we have peace with God through faith in His son. Peace speaks of wholeness in our relationship with God when we trust Christ. She just wanted healing. Now she could enter society because she is healed. And, she receives spiritual life as well. God always does more than we ask or think. Because He sees the woman’s needs, He does not pass her by. He seems acutely aware of the woman’s pain, and so He reaches out to help.

Jesus Has The Right To Choose What He Brings Into Our Lives.

In the meantime, Jairus’s faith is stretched. His little girl dies. This woman has delayed them. What is Jairus thinking by now? Jesus tells Jairus, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.” In the Greek, this really means, “Stop being afraid and keep on believing” (a continuous action). You can’t do both at the same time since being afraid and believing are mutually exclusive. The Psalmist said, I will trust and not be afraid (Psalm 56:3).

This is important for us as well. When fear overwhelms us, we can with an act of our will stop being afraid and choose to believe God that He is in control and will not abandon us. Fear is an emotion; faith is an act of the will.

Jesus promises Jairus that his daughter will be healed. It takes more faith to believe that He can bring someone back from the dead than to just heal from a deadly disease. Jesus wants to stretch Jairus’s faith. We always have solutions we pray to the Lord. But we have to face life realistically saying to Him, “I am your daughter, Lord. Help me to deal with this situation.” Remember that God is good all the time. You can trust His goodness in what He chooses to do in your life.

Jesus tenderly takes the little girl by the hand, touches her (this makes a Jew unclean, but nothing can make Jesus unclean), and speaks to her in tender terms, “Little girl, get up.” Her spirit returns. The touch of Christ’s hand and the power of His voice restore her to life. She stands up with instantaneous recovery. Her parents are “out of their minds” with excitement and joy. He tells them to feed her. He has done His part. He turns her over to her parents to do theirs.

Jesus Cares For Women.

Jesus stopped His public ministry to heal two women—one publicly; the other privately. One was socially dead; the other physically dead. One touched Him and was healed without a word; the other He touched and spoke to when she was healed. One was an outcast; the other was loved within her family circle. Both were unclean. Both were healed instantly and completely, receiving new life. Both were beyond human help and without hope.

Jesus demonstrated the value He places on every person—radically different from His day. He healed a man of horrible demonic possession whom everyone else had shunned (Mark 5:1-20). He took time out from His busy schedule to minister to two women personally. God’s love knows no partiality.

Jesus takes a personal interest in each one of us. His value system then is the same today. He cares for you as an individual. He meets your individual needs.

Jesus has the right to choose what He brings into our lives, into your life. Through His words in Mark 5, He is telling you to stop being afraid and to keep on believing, to exercise the faith that you have.

Jesus openly demonstrated His love for each woman He met. He treated women as no man had ever treated them before. His warmth, personal attention, tenderness, sound teaching, and compassion toward women were revolutionary. Jesus loves you in the same way.

Reflect and Respond

Related Topics: Gospels, Women's Articles

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