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Lesson 4: God’s Justice

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So far, we have learned about God’s sovereignty; His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience; and His holiness. Remember these truths about your Father God.

  • God is the sovereign ruler of His creation. He rules it with supreme authority and power.
  • God’s power is more powerful than anything or anyone else in the entire universe. God’s presence is everywhere at the same time. God knows everything there is to know.
  • God is holy. He is set apart from anything that is sinful or evil.

God’s holiness is related to another attribute which we will study in this lesson—God’s JUSTICE.

Attribute #4: Justice

“This was also to demonstrate his righteousness in the present time, so that he would be just and the justifier of the one who lives because of Jesus’ faithfulness.” (Romans 3:26 NET)

1. When are you likely to want justice?

Justice means that someone is always concerned with two things—being right and being fair. Justice means, “always doing what is morally right and fair.” That’s how you likely want to be treated by others whenever there is a problem, isn’t it? You want them to do what is right and to be fair about it.

Our God always acts with justice. It is the natural expression of His holiness. Remember we said that God’s holiness always sets Him apart from anything that is sinful or evil. The Bible says that God hates sin and has declared that sin is wrong and must be punished by death.

The apostle Paul wrote about God’s justice in the book of Romans.

2. Read Romans 3:23. What does this verse declare about all people?

3. Read Romans 5:12. What happened to all people because of sin?

Since everyone has sinned, everyone is declared guilty of sin by God’s justice. He’s being right and fair. And, each guilty person must pay a penalty. The Bible says the penalty for sin is death. That’s God’s justice. God’s justice always does what is morally right and fair. It’s fair for God to say anyone who sins must be declared guilty and pay a penalty.

In our society, whenever a person is declared guilty of committing a crime, they have to pay the penalty for what they did wrong. They usually go to prison and are held captive in prison until the penalty is paid—maybe 3 months or 2 years, sometimes 20 years or more.

In the Old Testament, God decided that certain animals would die to pay the penalty for the sins of His people. By the deaths of those animals, called sacrifices, the people would be set free from being guilty for a little while, until the people did bad things again. But, this was only a temporary plan.

God had a better plan. He loves people so much that He came to earth Himself as a man named Jesus who lived a perfect life and died on the cross as the sacrifice for our sins. Jesus paid the penalty for sin that God’s justice demands. Jesus paid this penalty for us so that we would not have to do it nor would any animals ever have to do it again!

Paul describes it beautifully in Romans 3.

4. Read Romans 3:24-26. How is God’s justice satisfied?

God’s justice is right and fair. The NIRV translation of verse 26 clearly describes this:

“God did that to prove in our own time that he is fair. He proved that he is right. He also made right with himself those who believe in Jesus. (Romans 3:26 NIRV)

Jesus paid the penalty for every wrong thing that anyone has ever done or will do in the future. God’s justice is satisfied. So, God can declare that anyone who trusts in Jesus is “set free” from having to pay the penalty for their sin. Everyone who trusts in Jesus is free from being held captive by his or her sins.

What a great deal! Being set free is a great thing. God’s justice sets free everyone who trusts that His Son Jesus Christ paid the penalty for their sins. God can do that because the penalty has been paid for all time. When you trust in Jesus you receive complete forgiveness for ALL of your sins. This sets you free from being afraid of God.

Isn’t it easier to not be afraid of God if you know that He forgives you for all the bad things you do? Instead, you can be confident that God loves you dearly.

5. Have you lived in fear of God, being afraid of Him?

6. How does the truth that you are set free from being afraid of God make you feel now?

And, if you aren’t afraid of God, you are set free to love Him back with your whole heart. Isn’t that true? It’s easier to love someone that you know loves you! You are also set free to do what is morally right and fair in your own life.

7. Read Micah 6:8. God desires that we live life God’s way. How is it described in Micah?

God’s justice always does what is morally right and fair. He desires that we uphold justice in our lives as well. The New Testament writings teach us how to live life God’s way, following the example of Jesus Christ. God will enable you to live that way. He wants you to live that way. Is that something you’d like to do?

Trusting Your Father God

1) Bible verse to learn:

“This was also to demonstrate his righteousness in the present time, so that he would be just and the justifier of the one who lives because of Jesus’ faithfulness.” (Romans 3:26 NET)

2) Response in prayer & praise:

Thank Jesus for paying the penalty for your sin so that your Father God can set you free from sin’s penalty and forgive all your sins instead. Because God’s justice has set you free from the penalty of sin, you are free to love Him back with your whole heart. Have you learned to love your Father God? How do you express your love for Him? Also, ask your Father God to show you how to do for others what is right and fair just like your God.

3) Discover God the Father:

Spend a few minutes each day reading and reflecting on how Jonah responds with trust or lack of trust in God. Get to know Him well—this One who loves you dearly.

  • Read Jonah chapter 1. Reflect on what you read.
  • Read Jonah chapter 2. Reflect on what you read.
  • Read Jonah chapter 3. Reflect on what you read.
  • Read Jonah chapter 4. Reflect on what you read.

Related Topics: Character of God, Women's Articles

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