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Lesson 35: Peter’s Confession (Matthew 16:1-20)

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This message on Matthew 16 was preached at Littleton Bible Chapel on September 8, 2013.


1. The Confession of Unbelievers (16:1-12).

Unbelievers are unsatisfied with the evidence that Jesus is the Christ (16:1)
Unbeliever are blind to the evidence that Jesus is the Christ (16:2-4b).
Unbelievers can ultimately harden their hearts beyond repentance (16:4c).
Unbelievers can corrupt and influence believers just like leaven (16:5-12).

2. The Confession of Believers (16:13-20).

Genuine believers do not view Jesus as merely a good prophet or a moral teacher (16:13-14).
Genuine believers confess Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God (16:15-16).
Genuine believers are made believers by the Father in Heaven (16:17).
Genuine believers are given the keys of the kingdom (16:19).

3. Three Observations about the Church.

The Church is being built by Jesus Christ.
The Church will prevail.
The Lord loves His Church.

Related Topics: Soteriology (Salvation)

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