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John 13:15

Servant’s Attitude

Vernon Grounds, then president of Denver Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary, challenged the graduating class of 1973 with the truth of today’s text. Dr. Grounds told the graduates that he was going to present to them a tangible symbol that could help them in their future ministries. As the classmates filed quietly to the front, they wondered what it would be—a special Scripture verse, a little book, and inscribed medallion? To their surprise, it was a small square of white terry cloth. One graduate, who has served as an overseas missionary, says, “We were commissioned to go into the world as servants. That small piece of towel, frayed and grubby from years in my wallet, is a constant reminder of that moving moment and of our basic call to serve.”

Do you and I have a servant’s attitude? The example Christ gave in the upper room was for us. We too need to serve our fellowman. Perhaps it’s time for us to realize that the “towel in our hand” is a servant’s towel.

Source unknown

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