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Imanuel Christian

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(Last login: 02/14/2021)


Imanuel taught Sanskrit literature, including Hindu scriptures, in a university in India for eleven years. He has an M.A. in Sanskrit Literature from a university in India, M.Th from the Dallas Theological Seminary and M.A., Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Texas at Arlington. Imanuel and his wife Violet translated the New Testament in Garhwali, a minority language spoken by about four million people living in the foot hills of the Himalayas in northwest India.

Now they have taken up a project of writing Biblical study material in their mother tongue Gujarati. Gujarati is one of the 14 major languages of India, with about 40 million speakers. This language has had the Bible for more than hundred years. However, there is not much Biblical study material available in this language or in most of the other languages of India.