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Foreword to Principles of Spiritual Growth

A friend once handed me a copy of a book entitled The Green Letters, written by Miles J. Stanford. After reading the first few pages, I knew I had something in my hand that was extraordinary. Day by day during my devotional time I read at least one section and found the book to contain one of the most practical approaches to the various areas of my spiritual life that I have ever read. I asked others to read it, and they confirmed my impressions.

The various parts of the book were originally prepared as short letters and were sent to a number of interested friends. They were then compiled into the book which was known as The Green Letters, but in order to make this new printing meaningful to a new audience, the title has been changed to Principles of Spiritual Growth. We are thankful for permission from the author to publish this book for the benefit of a larger group of friends.

Set forth in this book are basic principles pertaining to the Christian’s spiritual exercises. These principles are stated in such practical form that you will find it rewarding to read and reread them and, of course, to put them into practice. Some aspects of the Christian life and walk which may have been puzzling to you will become clear as the Spirit of God is able to make them a reality in your daily life.

While certain sections may be of such interest as to entice one to read them first, it would be best to read the sections in the order they appear. They are in a logical sequence, and precept is laid upon precept (Isa. 28:10). We trust there will be a wide distribution of these truths.

Theodore H. Epp
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