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Brittany C. Burnette

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(Last login: 02/14/2021)


Brittany Burnette graduated 2005 with a Th.M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. She served as the former Academic Dean and Headmaster of Plano Christian Academy, where she taught Latin, political philosophy, Church History, and rhetoric. She also served as a research assistant to Dr. Darrell Bock for the following books: Jesus According to Scripture (2002), Jesus in Context (2005), The Missing Gospels (2006), and The Baker Exegetical Commentary on Acts (2007). She holds a B.A. in Religious Studies from Yale University and graduated Magna cum Laude from Dallas Theological Seminary. Brittany also lived in Seoul, Korea for two years, where she earned her black belt in Tae Kwon Do. She is a rabid tennis fan and an unapologetic caffeine addict.