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An Argument For The Book Of 3 John

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Message Statement:

Because Of The Good Work Of Supporting (Through Hospitality) Those In Ministry Whom John Has Sent, John Exhorts Gaius Not To Be Distracted By Diotrephes Refusal To Receive Those Who Are Sent, And To Receive Demetrius As A Brother In The Ministry Who Has A Good Testimony

I. INTRODUCTION: John greets Gaius in love and prays that he may prosper because of his obedient walk 1-4

A. Author and Recipient: The elder (John) writes to the beloved Gaius whom he loves in the truth 1

B. Prayer: John prays that Gaius may prosper because he is walking in the truth 2-4

II. COMMENDATION and WARNING: John Commends Gaius for his ministry of hospitality to those sent form him and urges him to not be influenced to do otherwise by the evil deeds of Diotrephes 5-11

A. Commended for Hospitality: John commends Gaius for the hospitality which he has been showing to those who have gone out form John (as missionaries and teachers) to proclaim the truth about Jesus 5-8

B. Warning about the Influence of Diotrephes: John exhorts Gaius not to be influenced from his good works by Diotrephes who has demonstrated hostility towards John and those whom he sends by refusing to show hospitality and putting those who do so out of the church 9-11

III. RECOMMENDATION: John recommends Demetrius to Gaius (as a brother in the ministry) through the testimony of others, his alignment with the truth, and through John himself 12

IV. CONCLUSION: In conclusion John expresses his intention to personally come to speak of other matters, his desire of peace for Gaius, and greetings from his church and for Gaius’ church 13-14

A. Intention to Speak of Other Matter: John intends to speak of other matters in person when he comes 13-14

B. Peace for Gaius: John desires peace for Gaius 15a

C. John sends greetings for the church and asks Gaius to greet the church for him 15b

Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines

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