51. Thanksgiving
Related MediaMaterials Needed
- one piece of colored construction paper per person
- one sheet of white paper per person
- glue
- crayons
- masking tape
- magazines (optional)
- scissors (optional)
Setting The Stage
The focus of our Thanksgiving meal should be on those things for which we are truly thankful. To prepare everyone, do this devotional ahead of time and display the artwork on the walls around the table where the Thanksgiving meal will be celebrated.
- Make a list of what everyone is thankful for this year. Help the children think over the year and maybe choose something that is not as obvious as “my parents.” Everyone needs to choose the one thing they would like to draw. Each person in the family, even the adults, needs to do this because it can be used later at the mealtime.
- The picture is drawn on the white sheet of paper. If the younger children are not able to communicate their thoughts very well through pictures, you can let them look through a magazine and find a picture that says it for them. Cut the picture out of the magazine and glue it onto the white sheet.
- Once the artwork is completed, take the white sheet and glue it onto the colored construction sheet of their choice. Take the finished product and tape it on the wall that is near the Thanksgiving table.
During the meal review each picture and let the individual artist have a chance to thank God for that particular thing.
Related Topics: Children's Training Resources, Parent Resources, Christian Education, Christian Home, Devotionals