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5. Book Review -- Creative Correction

Book Title: Creative Correction

Author: Lisa Whelchel

Year of Publication2000

PublisherTyndale House Publishers


Author’s Web-site

Full Book Available inEnglish

You should read this book if you…

Are out of ideas on how to discipline your child and need a fresh perspective.

“In a nut shell”…

This book gives you many different ways to help correct your children as well as provide certain tools like Bible verses and games to help equip you and your child.

Rewarding Extra-Good Behavior: Get a pickle jar, clean it out, and call it the “Pickle a Privilege” jar. Fill it up with little slips of paper with a variety of fun, extra-special privileges written on them.  A few examples are, going to a movie, having a pillow fight, having a soda pop with dinner, etc.

Motivational Rewards: Make a sticker charts with about 20 squares.  Give the child a sticker each time they do a good deed.  Give the child a prize once the chart is complete.

Bible Verses as Models for Good Behavior:

Proverbs 24:3-4 – “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled and with rare and beautiful treasures.” – When your child receives good grades, reward him by allowing him to buy a decoration for his bedroom.

Proverbs1:8-9 – “Listen my son [daughter] to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.  They will b garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck.” – When your daughter chooses to obey you rather than go her own way, reward her with the necklace.

Key Ideas…

Every child is unique and may require a different way of correction.  Lisa Whelchel provides insight into her own home and how she handles certain situations such as sibling rivalry and lying.  She also provides the tools on how to handle specific situations in her “Toolbox” section. Here are a few examples that the author provided in her “Toolbox” section:

Sibling Conflict: If one child breaks the other child’s toy.  The child whose toy was broken may choose from any of their sibling’s toy to replace it.

Sibling Conflict: Hugs, even forced ones are good at breaking down barriers.

Sibling Conflict: If you overhear your children arguing, step close enough to let them know you’re listening.  Say that you will give them a few more minutes to work it out on their own.  If they aren’t able to do this, however, you will work the problem out for them, and it probably won’t be fun for either child.

Lying: Make a contract with your child and establish a reasonable punishment for lying and then sign and date the document.  Whenever a situation comes up that would invite lying, simply remind your child of the contract.  Knowing that you will follow through on the penalty may be the extra incentive your child needs to choose to tell the truth.

Action Steps…

Evaluate your priorities – What is our true goal of parenting?

Children respond well to consistency and routine.

Don’t say your going to do anything you can’t carry out.  If you’ve established boundaries ahead of time and consequences for crossing them, be prepared to follow through.


“When deciding what punishment to use, be careful with your child’s feelings.  It’s a delicate balance between reaching the heart and bruising it.” Pg 137

“Developing a big-picture approach to parenting is more than simply pruning our children’s negative traits.  We must also help our kids to develop positive qualities that will constitute their strengths when they are teenagers.” Pg 99

“When getting to the heart of obedience, we also need to instruct our children to be mindful of how their words and actions affect others.” Pg 64

“Be careful not to expect too much from a new pair of shoes: They’re fun to try on, even more fun when they fit, but you won’t know whether they’re truly right for you until you walk in them for a while.” Pg 332

“Fortunately, correction doesn’t always have to involve tears.” Pg 138


Tips on handling a tantrum:

Slamming the door when angry: Have the child open and close the door calmly and completely 100 times.

Throwing fits: Tell your child to go to their room to continue the fit.  The child isn’t allowed to come out until they are finished.

Forgetting to put things away: Next time your child “forgets” to put something away, tell him that he’ll just have to look for it.

How this has changed my parenting…

Often times I have felt that I have tried every type of correction for my children without much success.  This book has given me several different tools to implement at home.  This book has taught me that family is important and need to work together not to fight with each other while providing creative ideas to instill lessons in my children.

© 2011 The Family Project

Related Topics: Book Review, Parent Resources, Christian Home, Fathers, Mothers, Parenting

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