42. Jesus Is Always With Us
Related MediaMaterials Needed
- Bible
- one sheet of paper per child
- crayons
- thumb tack or masking tape
Setting The Stage
How can you know that Jesus is near if you can’t see him? This is a hard concept for anyone to really accept, but it is true and it is what you will want your children to understand a bit better once this devotional is finished.
Read to your children Hebrews 13:5b. The part of the verse you are to read is, “Never will I leave you,” but let them see that you are reading it from the Bible. Tell them this is a promise in the Bible that we have to believe is true even if we can’t see Jesus.
Ask them when they most need to have Jesus with them. Their answer needs to be in a situation they can visualize because they will be drawing it later.
Some ideas would be:
- playing in the back yard with Billy
- beside my desk at school
- when I go to sleep at night
Draw a picture of the situation they just described. Each person is to draw his/her own suggestion. Younger children will need your help because you want the picture to be recognizable. God can be put into the picture as a yellow light or a space where he would be.
Take the completed pictures to the bedrooms and have each child tack his/her picture up beside his/her bed. Before they go to bed at night and when they wake up in the morning, they will see their picture and be reminded that Jesus is always with them.
Memory Verse
Hebrews 13:5b
Never will I leave you
Thank Jesus for being with us always even when we can’t see or feel him.
Related Topics: Children's Training Resources, Parent Resources, Christian Education, Christian Home, Devotionals