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4. The Inner Workings of the life

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“ Many churched people have a spiritual life that’s like a car, sputtering down the highway, coughing and jerking , red engine lights flashing. The driver’s solution is to beat a fist on the dashboard until the warning lights quit flashing. He or she motors on, believing that eliminating the warning signs is the same as fixing the problem. This is how most Christians are taught to treat the spiritual predicaments in which they find themselves……. Try harder, read the bible more, pound on the spiritual dashboard until the warning lights cease. Something is wrong with the engine-the machinery of faith, the inner workings are seriously impaired.”[1]

What is under the hood? What does my spiritual engine look like? Non discipleship Christianity is sputtering along the road and the warning lights are on. The main warning light reads, “lack of character.” This lack is the primary reason for the superficial nature of today’s believers. It is painfully obvious that we have over looked the single most important element for fulfilling the Great Commission. It seems we have been so busy trying to reach the world that there has been little time to focus on becoming like Jesus.

[1]Judith Hougen, Transformed into Fire [Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2003] ,20

Related Topics: Spiritual Life

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