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4. Exhortation to Unity—Part I (Philippians 1:27-30)

The Subject/Complement and Exegetical Outline

Subject/Complement: The way to live worthy of the gospel in times of opposition and suffering is by contending for the faith without fear and by realizing that Christ has graciously given Christians suffering as a part of his plan.

    A. The Command: Live Worthy of the Gospel (1:27a-b)

    B. The Means (1:27c-28)

      1. By Contending for the Faith of the Gospel

      2. By Not Being Frightened

    C. The Ultimate Rationale for Suffering and Paul’s Example (1:29-30)

      1. The Ultimate Rationale for Suffering (1:29)

      2. Paul’s Example (1:30)

Homiletical Subject/Complement and the Teaching/Preaching Outline

Underlying Questions: How are Christians to live worthy of the gospel in times of opposition and suffering and why should they do so? (Note: This paragraph really answers two questions)

Underlying Homiletical Question: How are we to live worthy in the face of opposition and suffering, and why?

Homiletical Subject/Complement (Big Idea): When you’re facing opposition for being a Christian, live worthy of the gospel by standing firm, because you know that God has graciously given you suffering as a part of his plan.

    A. The Command: Live Worthy of the Gospel (1:27a-b)

    B. The Means (1:27c-28)

      1. By Contending for the Faith of the Gospel

      2. By Not Being Frightened

    C. The Reason: God Has Granted Suffering To Us (1:29)

    D. The Example: Paul Shows Us the Way (1:30)

Related Topics: Fellowship, Teaching the Bible

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