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20. Moses The Leader

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Materials Needed

  • one hanger per child
  • construction paper in red, green, brown, black and white
  • a hole punch or sharp object
  • string

Setting The Stage

Moses did become the leader who freed the Jews from their slavery in Egypt. During this lesson you need to communicate to your children that Moses was a good leader for God even during the difficult times. The telling of this story is found in Exodus 5 - 12.


Your children will be making a mobile with the ten plagues hanging from the hanger. Each plague will have a picture the child has drawn, colored and cut out. A hole is punched in the top of the cutout and a string threaded through and knotted. Tie the other end of the string to the bottom of the hanger. Each cutout should be hanging at a different level.


  • Moses went before the Pharaoh and said, (adult calls out) “Let my people go!!” Pharaoh said, (together have the children call out) “NO!!”
  • Because Pharaoh would not obey God, God had to send some plagues. Those who loved God were not affected by the plagues. But those who did not want to obey God suffered because of the plagues.

Below are the plagues, drawings to be made and dialogue that needs to occur. Note: While cutting out each plague, discuss with your children why each event would be so terrible.

Plague 1. The river which was their water source was turned to blood (cut out a one inch curvy strip of red paper)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...
Children - No!

Plague 2. Frogs all over
(a green frog)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said…
Children - No!

Plague 3. So many gnats that it was hard for people to breathe
small brown flying creature)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...
Children - No!

Plague 4. Swarms of flies
(black paper)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...

Children - No!

Plague 5. Cows all got sick and died
(white paper on which black spots are drawn)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...
Children - No!

Plague 6. Oozing sores all over the body
(white paper doll figure with colored sores)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...
Children - No!

Plague 7. Hail and fire that destroyed their food and their homes
(red for the fire and white for the hail)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said …
Children - No!

Plague 8. Locust which ate the rest of their crop
(green in color but it looks like a beetle with larger wings)

Adult Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said…
Children No!

Plague 9. Darkness that was so dark you couldn’t see or do anything.
(black cloud)

Adult - Moses again said, Let my people go! but the Pharaoh said ...
Children - No!

Plague 10. Death of the first born son
(white paper doll with his eyes closed)

Note: These plagues did not happen to anyone who was willing to obey what God asked, but Pharaoh did not obey. Pharaoh’s first-born son did die and finally the Pharaoh let the Hebrews go. If the Pharaoh had obeyed God none of this would have happened. Moses did obey God even though many people were very angry with him. In the end it was wonderful because the Hebrews were free to go to their own land. It was good that Moses was a leader for God.


Ask God to help each of you be a leader for God with each of your own friends.

Related Topics: Children's Curriculum, Children's Training Resources, Parent Resources, Christian Education, Devotionals

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