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Miracles of the Fourth Gospel

2:1-11Turning water to wineNature of eternal life
4:46-54Healing the nobleman’s sonCondition of eternal life—faith
5:1-9Healing the infirm man at BethesdaPower to live the life
6:1-14The feeding of the 5,000
(also in Mt. 14:13-21; Mk. 6:32-44; Lk. 9:10-17)
Food for the life
6:15-21Walking on the sea,
(also in Mt. 14:22-36; Mk. 6:45-56)
Guidance for the life
9:1-41Sight restoredLight for the life
11:1-44Raising of Lazarus Victory of the life over death
21:1-14The catch of fishFull fellowship of the life

The New Unger’s Bible Handbook, Merrill F. Unger, Revised by Gary N. Larson, Moody Press, Chicago, 1984, p. 424

Discourses in John’s gospel

Twelve discourses are unique to this gospel:

1. 3:1-21 On spiritual regeneration

2. 4:4-26 On eternal life

3. 5:19-47 On the Source of eternal life and its witness

4. 6:26-59 On the true Bread of Life

5. 7:14-29 On the Source of truth

6. 8:12-20 On the Light of the world

7. 8:21-30 On the true Object of faith

8. 8:31-59 On spiritual freedom

9. 10:1-21 On the Good Shepherd

10. 10:22-38 On the unity of the Godhead

11. 12:20-36 On the world’s Redeemer

12. Upper room teaching:

  • 13:21-14:31 — On the approaching separation
  • 15:1-27 — On the union with Christ
  • 16:1-33 — On the Holy Spirit and the future

These discourses fall into two categories:

1. Christ’s public instruction, ch. 1-12, presenting Himself to the world as the ultimate reality

2. Christ’s private teaching, ch. 13-16, disclosing Himself to His own as the eternal sufficiency

The New Unger’s Bible Handbook, Merrill F. Unger, Revised by Gary N. Larson, Moody Press, Chicago, 1984, p. 426

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